Flip Skateboards BBQ

Team Riders, Gravity Defiers, Rail Gliders, Street Stylers

Gettin\’ the guys together isn’t always easy when your crew is a group of world-class skaters, so when it happens, it’s a moment to savor.





On what would turn out to be the hottest day of the year so far in Southern California, Flip Skateboards called the squad together to welcome their newest member, amateur Keegan Palmer. Flip turned to Hobnob to invite the boys out for a day of food, drinks, and skating the backyard bowl. Renowned photographer and skate legend Arto Saari played host at his private Hollywood pool where he was joined by teammates Lance Mountain, Louie Lopez, Matt Berger, Curren Caples, Alec Majerus, John Nicholson, and Flip co-founder Jeremy Fox. With temps in the triple digits, there was a lot more sitting in the shade talking story than skating, but the boys still got some runs in with the oldest of the crew (Lance) trading runs with the youngest (Keegan). Curren flexed his expertise, popsicle in hand.

Widely considered one of the best overall skate teams in the world, it is a challenge to get more than a handful of the guys together at one time. Team manager John Nicholson told us:

“I really liked using Hobnob. It was so simple, quick and was such an easy way to try and wrangle all these guys. With guys constantly traveling, it is hard to get them to check email, but texts they always reply to. I’m glad I found Hobnob. I will definitely be using it for future get togethers, contests, and events.”

Look for the Flip team to be competing in the first ever Dew Tour team event this July 23-24 in Long Beach as they take on other skate teams from across the industry.

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